Saturday, 8 December 2007

The A-Z of Barney

Greetings from Guantanamo, Hackney. Pants has finally let me have my own page. I pushed for my own blog but she said, and I quote, "when you chip in half of the fifteen quid I have to pay that reprobate 'Sir' Richbastard Brandname to maintain a working relationship with the outside world, then you can wi-fi yourself daft. Until that day, you follow House of Pants guidelines to the letter.'

A lifeline was thrown to me by Signs. I'm being consulted at last. In demographic terms, I'm what's known as 'hard to reach'. Pants says, 'hard to catch, more like.' My voice is finally being heard. Actually, it's not very pleasant. I'm an early owly-cat. The harmonics are still in the experimental stages.

I, Barney the owly-cat have been memed. I've been asked a series of questions. The alphabet is very new to me but I've done my best. Even Pants grudgingly admits that's acceptable.

A ~ Available? What? Where? I want it.

B ~ Best friend? If you say so.

C ~ Cake or pie? Yes please.

D ~ Drink of choice? Don’t mind if I do.

E ~ Essential thing used every day? What would be the point of it otherwise?

F ~ Favourite colour? Stripes.

G ~ Gummi bears or worms? This is a question?

H ~ Hometown? Pet4U Labs, Silicone Valley, California, USA.

I ~ Indulgence? I’m rolling in it now.

J ~ January or February? Pants? We’re on holiday then, right?

K ~ Kids and names? Helpful if they have them.

L ~ Life is incomplete without? I agree wholeheartedly.

M ~ Marriage date? Well, which is it?

N ~ Number of siblings? I don’t believe they have numbers, although they probably should.

O ~ Oranges or apples? Are these the only round things on offer? Ball of wool? Hello?

P ~ Phobias/fears? I believe my owly-cathood to be under imminent threat. Call me later.

Q ~ Favourite quote? ‘The puss and the owly-cat went insane in a beautiful peacock’s coat. They took some bloke, stole his coke and wrapped it up in a fifty quid note.

R ~ Reason to smile? I nicked one of Lily Allen's crates of Special Brew at Glastonbury.

S~ Favourite Season: Tern, tern, tern.

T ~ Tag three people: Barney, Barney and Barney.

U ~ Unknown fact about me: True.

V ~ Vegetable you don't like: Also true.

W ~ Worst habit: Do they? Has anyone called Crimestoppers?

X ~ X-rays you've had: Ray is wrong. I was never anywhere near him.

Y ~ Your favourite food: Smoked salmon, as Ray very well knows.

Z ~ Zodiac: Did he? When?


Reading the Signs said...

Barney, at last! Don't worry about being an early hybrid, everything you say is fascinating, and this may be the beginning of great things: your own newspaper column and chat show (it will be in Australia, but still). And if I'm not mistaken, you are a poet to boot - "The puss and the owly-cat went insane in a beautiful peacock’s coat" is wonderful, I never imagined the original could have been improved upon as I like it so much I know it by heart.

There's something odd about the three Barneys you have tagged, though. One is a dawg, the other is a cat, yes, but dead: an ex-cat. And the last is - who knows? But probably dead too as the last post was some time in 2004. Strikes me that there must be a more lively community of Barneys out there.

Sorry to hear you are a bit under the weather. I'd tell you to put pressure on Pants to get the advice of a homoeopathic vet, but she tells me you're self-medicating so I guess you're not that way inclined.

You're a cool cat. Mwah!

Pants said...

Well Signs

I hope you're satisfied. The world is a better place for Barney's input, right?



Reading the Signs said...

Barney, I don't know if you are sufficiently evolved to really get irony. I don't think I am, but I think Pants is being ironic here - well, pretending to be.

The answer is so obviously yes.

Anna MR said...

I dug Barney too. And the poem was great.

Reading the Signs said...

Barney? Barney, speak to me! Surely a little thing like being frozen inside a cocktail shaker doesn't have to stop us talking.

Reading the Signs said...

Barney, between you and me - I know you are there. Glad to hear you've emerged from your cryogenically frozen condition and hope you are enjoying your travels as much as Pants is. Try and put some photos up. A cat's view of things is something else, after all.

Reading the Signs said...

Barney, I know she keeps telling you to shut up but just know that I am always interested in your take on things. I believe in you - take that any way you want. Glad to see you made it to Oz.

Reading the Signs said...

Long time no comment, Barney. But hey, we've both been busy, especially you. I suppose you're as entitled as anyone to have a break in order to refresh your soul but I'm going to miss hearing about your various projects and initiatives, not to mention the vodkamisu. Pants is lucky to have you - and vice versa, obviously.

Well, it's been nice talking - you have a good listening presence. Ever considered becoming a psychotherapist? Just a thought. I was going to suggest a problem page, with you as Agony Cat. But there's no money in it.

Bye for now, Barney. Keep rockin

Reading the Signs said...

Me again, Barney. How's tricks? I have some idea because of what Pants said about your New Year celebratory firework and vodkamisu bash. I feel I missed out, not being there and would appreciate being given the recipe. Just to say, flashbacks wouldn't bother me, I get those anyway, even though I never did try LSD when I had the chance, being somewhat put off by seeing clips of Timothy Leary after much dropping out and tuning in.

Tell Pants hi from me, and that I would really like to see any drawing she might have done of you. I feel sure you would be a good artist's model.

Have you thought any more (or at all) about my idea of your becoming a Shrink? Don't be put off by the thought of years of training - there are always ways round that sort of thing.

Reading the Signs said...

Hi Barney, I'm a bit worried. Is it true that Pants has got a Small Dog moved in at Larrikin's? Where do you fit in with this new state of affairs?

Hoping that 2014 brings you as much happiness as 2013 brought Pants. I like happiness. Funny like that.

It's getting to be a habit, this talking we do every other year. I've noticed you don't reply but you have a good listening presence, as I told you in 2010. I've gone off the idea of you becoming a Shrink, though. I have other ideas for you - will probably say more about that in 2016.

Bye for now, Barney.